Alert: Fake WEB-/WITRN U2 UPMs Have Quietly Entered the Market

Just discovered that fake U2 UPMs have quietly entered the market.

Update 03/19/19 – Many fake U2s are sold from HIDANCE Official Store and ATORCH Innovative Manufactory Co., Store on AliExpress by far. AVOID!

Update 03/15/19 – The FW V5.5 will brick a fake U2.

Below I have made a picture to show how to identify the authenticity of U2.

Click image to enlarge.

A fake U2 comes with a serial number of 104083.

Click image to enlarge.

To be honest, the fake U2 doesn’t look too bad… But anyway double check yours.

You are welcome, good luck!

Update 03/19/19

Photo by Ivan M

Received emails from visitors since this post was published. I after statistics found that many fake U2s were sold from HIDANCE Official Store and ATORCH Innovative Manufactory Co., Store on AliExpress by far. They began selling U2 clones in 2019. Even some of the video/text reviews provide the links to U2 clones…

Update 03/15/19

A fake U2 will be bricked when upgrading to V5.5. The error message “104083 ERR” will appear on the screen. (R.I.P. 104083…)

Photo by Nikolay
Photo by Nikolay

22 thoughts on “Alert: Fake WEB-/WITRN U2 UPMs Have Quietly Entered the Market

  1. > The 5-digit mode works well after recalibration

    Can this be done without buying a Test Load device?

    how does the web u2 differ from the qway u2?


  2. Do you know how to do this? Rather than throw it in the trash, I wouldn’t mind fixing it and going back to fw 5.3. Let me know how that’s possible. Meanwhile, I’ll try to translate that previous post.


    • Write to this e-maii and ask for help: how to restore and make genuine tester from fake. After you can upgrade tester to new versions 5.5 and above.

      Напишите на эту электронную почту и попросите помощи: как восстановить и сделать подлинный тестер из подделки. После этого вы сможете обновить тестер до новых версий 5.5 и выше.


    • Напишите на эту электронную почту и попросите помощи: как восстановить и сделать подлинный тестер из подделки. После вы можете обновить тестер до новых версий 5.5 и выше.

      Write to this e-maii and ask for help: how to restore and make genuine tester from fake . After you can upgrade tester to new versions 5.5 and above.


  3. Спасибо, хорошая статья.
    Жаль, что она была прочтена позже и после того, как я получил кирпич после прошивки.


  4. I am having such a hard time finding a genuine WEB-U2 on; the one I have was bricked with the update, as I didn’t know it was fake at the time. Do you recommend a different similar meter rather than this one? I read your review, stating that the voltage is not very accurate. I’m trying to find something that is similar, with protocol testing and triggering.

    I have the A3B, but it seem to be somewhat of a “ripoff” of the RD line of USB testers. It’s very basic and does not have the protocol testing. Let me know what you think, thanks!


    • – Do you recommend a different similar meter rather than this one?

      Please check your email inbox.

      – I read your review, stating that the voltage is not very accurate.

      The 5-digit mode works well after recalibration, but the 6-digit mode always behaves a bit strangely. So now I think it’s not an issue of accuracy but an issue of algorithm.

      – I have the A3B, but it seem to be somewhat of a “ripoff” of the RD line of USB testers.

      Yes, I think so. It’s just a clone of RD UM24C.


  5. salve ho aggiornato la witrn u2 (clone) con il fw 5.5 ,finito il flash mi ha funzionato per 10 secondi poi ha fatto una schermata bianca con scritto “questa è un clone ” 😂
    Il computer non la riprogramma perchè mi da l’avviso “device is not operational” quindi ho mandato in modalità di programmazione il chip collegando il pin “boot0” a +3,3volt ho scaricato dal sito ST il programma “STM32CubeProgrammer” che mi riconosce il chip e lo programma ,ho provato con vari firmware ,il processo va a buon fine ma la witrn u2 rimane a schermo nero 🙄
    Per tentare di salvare questo clone servirebbe un backup del firmware di una clone funzionante da poter mettere su questa rotta 😎


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